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Right Now:
28 April 2024, 6:39 PM
Universal Time. (UTC/GMT)

Moon is Waning (Gibbous) since its Full Moon on 23 April 2024, 11:49 PM. Sun is in Taurus, Moon in Capricorn, Mercury in Aries, Venus in Aries, Mars in Pisces, Jupiter in Taurus, Saturn in Pisces, Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces, and Pluto in Aquarius.
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Covid 19 Update:
No astrologer or astrological tool, including this AI-based engine, had foreseen the unprecedented pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus.
However, many experts were expecting large scale natural disasters to rock humanity. This is because the two most dreaded planets, Saturn and Pluto meet (conjuncts) at 22°46' Capricorn.
This is a rare cosmic influence, that impacts entire mankind, and should be over by February 2021. Astrologically, good fortunes shall prevail from 20th December 2020, when Jupiter meets Saturn - known as the "Great Conjunction".
Until then, be safe, and keep your loved ones safe.
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We are a team of web enthusiasts, who manage this venture, The Illusion of Stars. We are always on the look-out for talented and dedicated collegues to add value to our small but efficient team. With a relaxed but committed working environment, we complement each other with the sole purpose of furthering this venture.
Our venture implements state-of-the-art technical know-hows with age-old astrological systems. As fore-runners in this field, joining us furthers multiple career objectives for an IT/ITeS professional.
Currently, we are looking for talents in the following roles: If you fit any of our above criteria, please feel free to send your resume to:
In all of the above roles, knowledge of astrology and familiarity with signs, symbols, and nomenclatures shall be required.
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